Monday, July 5, 2010

hard drive crash

well, my hard drive crashed and the new music and videos of course were never backed up so that sucks. but i'm not as upset as i thought i would be. there's something soothing about knowing that some stuff is on youtube where it'll be available. true, it's not the garageband version with full sound and each individual track to mess with, but it's better than nothing.

i've been cleaning out closets and desk drawers. it's incredible what stuff i've saved and collected over the years because it was important to me. operative term here_ was. i'm kind of amazed at how easy it was for me to put the 4 track machine in the give away box and how little emotion was involved in throwing some old journals into the recycle bin.

somehow, the unexpected loss of the important intangible stuff on the hard drive and the purposeful purging of important tangible stuff from "real life" seems very much like part of the same thing emotionally.


  1. That was so sad but i advice you to start using online backups and there are very many online backup systems that have come up.But i recommend you to use
    They are cheap and if you delete anything accidentally,you will recovery them back by just a few clicks.Well is is what i use and i have never lost my data.The setup does not even take more than 2minutes.

  2. That sucks. I'm so paranoid about that stuff, I recently backed up around 200 GB of video, pictures and text files..
    One day, I'm going to set up a RAID server so I don't have that problem anymore.
    For now, I'll have to have two copies of everything that matters to me.
    I'm very sentimental about memories. Especially if I lose them.
    I also have a hard time throwing away shit. Even stuff I don't necessarily want. I just get attached to things a bit easily I guess.
    Anyways, hope you're having a good time even though you have the VidCon blues.

